Dr. Priya Advani is a duly licensed provider of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine treatments in the state of California. She also provides functional blood analysis, herbology, nutritional supplements, and essential oils therapies when appropriate.
She holds her Doctorate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine from Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine where she graduated Magna Cum Laude.
Ever since Dr. Advani was a child, she dreamt of helping people. Although she once enjoyed a successful business career, the lack of fulfillment led her to find deeper meaning in her life. Following her passion to help others, and with the encouragement of a family friend, she investigated a career path in Chinese Medicine.
Soon after, she began five years of study that were life changing. While learning about acupuncture points, meridian theory, herbal formulas and clinical medicine, she was also learning about herself and developing professionally.
Personal Experience:
Through her Qi Gong and Meditation practice along with chakra balancing and reiki techniques, she experienced the benefit of balance and harmony as well as the importance of connecting mind, body, and spirit.
She knew from both education and personal experience that in her practice, she wanted to bring the Eastern and the Western medicines together to create integrative acupuncture.
Leadership and Publication:
Dr. Advani was the editor of Emperor College’s newsletter, “Yi Dao,” and served as the President of the student body in her final year.
Dr. Advani has been listed as a practitioner in Suzanne Somers’ book “Knockout,” a book about alternative and supportive cancer therapies.
She is a writer for the Huffington Post Health and Wellness and she is the founder of the Advani Center for Integrative Wellness and Healing, Inc.
Articles published by Huffington Post:
Patient Reviews
After years of being sick, I was referred by my best friend to Dr. Advani. Dr. Advani is the kindest and most professional Dr. I have had the privilege of knowing. Following her instructions, I am finally on the path to real wellness. Not wellness masked by more medications, but tangible results that are life changing. I cannot say enough about her and her practice! Nikki S.